Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Its finally freezing (drr..well, it's cold)

Ahh, just when I begin to think I live in a weather-wise abyss of perfection, it rains! And it's cold! And there is snow on the mountains in the distance! I live on Earth! Now, one might ask: why wouldn't you want sunny 70 degree weather every day?? My answer is this: everything in moderation. I like to feel the seasons from time to time, and where I am so grateful for the sunny California weather that sets in nine months out of the year, I do enjoy my 4 days of rain per year and right about now, I love bundling up in my sweats. Feels like snuggly home.

I worked my ass off today. Pshh, well, I've been busting it every day it seems lately. Which is an amazing feeling. I don't thrive well off of a scant plate. I find if I am listening to good music, I can do just about anything. Music=invincibility.

Currently on my playlist: Anything Michael Jackson. Gah! What a man...

I've got a casting director workshop tonight, which at its end next week I will be auditioning for three different commercial casting agencies. I've got an audition tomorrow for a webisode series. Yay! And I am, of course, trying to be more active. This town just does that to people...its kinda awesome.

Loving life, pretty much.

Countdown to flying to Birmingham for holidays: 13 days. woot woot!

So much love,

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