Saturday, June 27, 2009

Slap on the wrist!

I've really been slacking here. Tooooo bussyyyy to blogggg. Updates soon. Promise. Mom and Dad are in town now :) So next week...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In short...

More to come later...but here's the jist...

I started my first acting class in LA last week. It was bumpy but my rusty wheels are re-greased! I am in it! Rehearsals are underway full-force. Classes are Thursday nights and last about 5 hours! LOVE IT! 

I got stuck in a Scientology commune for 12 hours last Saturday. It was interesting for sure. No, I am not a Scientologist now. 

Been working a lot and studying for this class. It feels SO good to have a script in my hand again. 

Loving life. Missing the bf daily, missing friends and family. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So...I have worked-count 'em- 24+24+24+14+24+24 hours since last monday...that's 8 days. Lets tally that up: 134 hours oooohhhh myyyy. Hey, its money I suppose. I am due for some ME TIME! I start my acting class on Thursday, so I am preparing for that as well...while I work. :) I am so excited! More later. Gotta go WORK!